I just about finished my install running a club in Fort Worth off of Emulation, the venues computer is running 64bit Windows 7. My only issue at this point is after programming the Mega Par Profiles anytime a macro function is used the lights dont seem to release whatever the strobe/speed function of the macro is. For example I have a chase built on play back 1, however the chase on 2 is a red color pulse accessed through the fixtures macro mode. If I switch back to playback 1 the par profiles are the only fixture that do not release the strobe/speed into my chase. In the dmx monitor the pars are not receiving any values but if I select the fixtures and move the strobe function up and back down to zero it kills the function. Im trying to set this up so a live lighting Jockey is not needed. I have all my playbacks assigned to a Korg NanoKontrol 2 and this is my only issue. I believe this is a problem in the fixture profiles.
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