We are happy users of the Show Designer 2 console but I have some questions that would improve our user experience even more.
1. Are there any plans to update the SD monitor software? The current version is very bland, for lack of a better word. We would like options for things like changing the color scheme so that it's not a bright white background blinding us during a show/service; and rearranging the scene/preset/show readout to more closely resemble the buttons on the console...instead of 48 items in a list, make it a spread sheet layout with 4 rows and 12 columns to match the layout of the buttons on the console.
2. Are there any plans for additional firmware updates. I specifically would like to see a firmware update to "fix" the poor MIDI implementation. Change it to use SYSEX messages instead of continouous control messages. For example something like F0 cc xx pp ss vv F7 where cc = channel, xx = function, pp = page, ss = scene, vv = value...or something like that. You even admit in the manual that the current formatting is custom and recommend recording the playback from the console. I would MUCH rather be able to create custom commands in my sequencing software rather than having to record everything from the console.
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