Well, as long as your results are acceptable, then I guess all is good.
I'm one of those guys though, who despite how mellow I may seem, anger me and I'm on the horn with a VP or CEO or the board of directors screaming and yelling.
Let's put it this way: a screw job AT&T did on me has resulted in me MOVING $20 Million dollars per year of business OFF AT&T's network. But I'm not bitter! That's recurring revenue NOT hitting AT&T anymore, and those are not accurate numbers. Total losses are significantly higher(think 10X those numbers by this point in time).
If your middleman is front-endng this for you, who cares, as long as you're being taken care of.
I've always had great service from ADJ, so I expect Elation to be the same. I also suspect the business model and clientelle of Elation is also significantly different than that of ADJ. With Elation, I expect more clients buying the gear in order to make money via the gear. With ADJ, I see people making money by having the gear available, but we're talking much smaller dollar amounts.
Keep working. Glad to at least hear you're being taken care of, even though I'm not even an employee or associate of Elation, just someone who owns 3 pieces of gear...