Tagged With "Firmware Version V1.2.3"
Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing
Luis, I have tried that numerous times. Granted , it has been about 10 years since I have used DMX lighting. My last controller, An Election was a breeze to address. This is my second Scene Setter 24 in four weeks. The first one my salesperson and I assumed was defective. Now, for many years I have used XLR mic cables and I am learning that they may not work with todays new lighting components. I am assuming there is quit a difference between XLR and DMX cabling... So, I presently have...
Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing
Hi, try these videos to see if they help: https://youtu.be/wu34OR7BtOA Part 1 https://youtu.be/Zsrpw-PEJxY Part 2
Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing
Hey Carl, To assign the DMX Channels on "ADJ" branded version of the Scene Setter you will need to do the following: 1. Enter Program Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 1, 6, 6, 8. 2. Enter Channel Assign Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 8, 8, 8. 3. Once this has been done the display will read 001, you can now use the Up or Down button to select the channel (1-512) that you want assigned. 4. Once your desired channel is displayed, tap the...
Re: E-Builder
Hi! Since Emulation has been discontinued for some time now, we are asking users to switch over to the developer version of the software as they have continued support and development of their programs, the Emulation software is called CueLux and the E-builder is simply called Builder, here is a link to their product page where you can download the latest CueLux release as well as the latest Builder software. https://www.visualproductions....ntertainment/cuelux/ If you switch Emulation over...
Re: E-Builder
Thank you for the immediate response! I have a rental company and have used emulation for years now. I think it's been a year that cuelux started support of the emulation cables and for a brief moment I used it. The thing is that the ''FINE'' movement position does not work for the last 2 versions at least. When we are at a wedding we need to follow the couple with a moving head and witout fine the rotary pan of the midicon cannot control it smoothly. I have e-builder installed on all...
Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question
Thanks SDMAN. I just tried using Scenes instead of Presets, but Scenes seem to have a few different problems: Scenes sometimes want to cancel each other when turning them on. (Does anyone know why this is?) This makes it hard to turn on multiple scenes simultaneously. When a scene fades out, it fades its channels down to zero, rather than letting them stay at their "color scene". I thought "HTP" would allow the highest value to control the channel, but apparently it means a controller will...
Re: Show Designer 1 Bricked
To whom it may concern, The display PCB's have changed in time but it's the same operating system. It could be either a bad display or a bad PCB inside. If it's within the 2 year warranty your best bet would be to send it in for warranty repair. You can always send an email to rma@elationlighting.com to set you up with a RMA to send it in. If it's not under warranty anymore and if you have another working unit with the same color display, you can always start by trying to swap out the...
Re: DMX Operator Pro MIDI Spec
Hi Mikey, From what I understand with our consoles, they respont to about 2 scenes per second. Anything faster and they may lose step.
Re: Compu Pro 06
The program should not be crashing, we have used the new version for days on end without hiccups, let alone a crash. The latest update is Oct 16, also make sure you are using the suidi5 driver, as it is designed for the newer interfaces. Conflicts in PC's are very common, if your problems persist, send me detailed info about your system and I will look into it. Oct 16 version and new drivers
Re: Compu Pro 06?
ok first of all when u got to ur "pages" page and u see the 3 little boxes? make sure all ur lights have a mark in the box that looks like a king crown. that will link all ur lights to work in the "master" page. now that all ur lights are lined up to work in the master page u can click on the master page abnd hit the new scene button and then click empty. and then when you edit it you will find that all ur fixtures are lined up ready to progrma all together for one nice synched effect. yes...
Re: gel color in 3d visulizer
For Compu Pro 06 You need to: 1. Open program and 3D visualizer 2. Enter build mode on the 3D visualizer 3. Select the fixture(s) u want to change the color of 4. Select the color on the pallet To help find the buttons...
Re: need to know???
It is not possible with that fixture at the moment. Just so you know, there is a completely redesigned scan library editor in the works. It will allow you to create fixtures like this, and it will be much more powerful. We expect the new version of the editor to be completed late April / early May, and will be packaged into a Compu Live update. Thanks
Re: Compu Pro Master Buttons??
Hi EBAC, I apears that nothing will be changed in this version for the master page at the moment. However you can sequence the scenes, but instead of 1,2,3,4, .... You will want to use 001, 002, 003, 004 .... This holds the order better. Best regards,
Re: need to know???
Hey buddy, This is not the simplest fixture to programm. Its the only fixture of its kind with 2 RGB color mixing options. Most controllers are not set up to offer 2 color mixing pallets. What you have to do is patch the channels to the second group of channels. You do this on the page settings window, then go to channels. Here you will see the fixtures, and channel option. Now you have to find the first red of the fixtures and patch it to the second red, using the "channels patched to...
Re: need to know???
hey guys im doin it now but i find cause i have three reds in this fixture i think i does not sem to want to let me use 3 of em just two! also am i to click on the channels and enter in the numbers and signs for the channels patched to several diffeent outputs?? so for example that says 1= 0+1/40/60 and i enter in that in the box?? am i doin this right??? help me!! peace! jingles out!
Re: powerspot 250 lenses
Yo Tap I have 2 power spot 250 and have around 150 hours on them. What lense needs to be replaced after 2 years or does it go by operating hours ??
Re: powerspot 250 lenses
Page 40 "The lens should be changed at the first sign of ware, usually in about 1 – 2 years (lens will begin to look cloudy)."
Re: powerspot 250 lenses
Hey John Hear is a band that ia am working with this sat night. They do all Originals and 1 or 2 covers. There drummer is from California. (OUR AFTER )http://www.myspace.com/ourafter
Re: Design Spot 250 colour wheel
Yes, we do have a new theatrical DS250 color wheel. The part number is DS250CW2. To determine what the best way to replace it on your specific fixture and to order the part, please give a call to Elation Service at 866.245.6726. Very soon, we plan to have 2 different fixture models for the change in color wheel.
Re: question about the vision scan 250!
i recently purchased 4 mac entours, 2 visionscan 250`s and a magic 260 controller. i`m having trouble getting to show my scenes in action...i`m really not a software guy, more hardware. i also have a dmx 192 operator w/ joy. just looking for great advice since i upgraded my lightshow from 6 Trackspots w/ universal controller (which i mastered) and wish it didn`t have lightwave protocol. let me know guys...thanx
Re: What's a good laptop config to run Elation Sofware
here are the specs. Best Performance System Requirements: • Laptop or desktop computer with USB port • Windows XP or any up-to-date version • 1280x1024 screen resolution • 512Mb Memory • Clock frequency: 1.5Ghz • 128Mb RAM video card to use the “3D software” supporting Microsoft DirectX 9.0 but i reccomend more than 2 gb of memory and if you can make sure u have 128 dedicated video memory for 3D visualizer best performance. i have an amd turion 64 bit processor and it works good. i say just...
Re: What's a good laptop config to run Elation Sofware
Thanks for your assistance and emails... with your help I found the perfect computer Acer Turion 64 2 gig ram with 512 vram. Now if I can just get everything to work. I'm using a wireless remote to trigger Easyshow from my pocket that goes to the audio system with video from the time line going to 2 monitors. The remote systems come from Wirelesswizardry.com. Next is integrating the lights into it all! Franco
Re: Compulive1024 For MacBook pro When
An OS X version of the the software is not in the works, you can use the software on your mac with parallels or boot camp.
Re: Vista and Elation Software - Bad Combination!
If you have the 64 bit version of Vista installed, try installing the 32 bit version instead.
Re: Upgrading to DMX operator 192- need guidance!
ok i will make this quick but if u need more info please ask! 1: yes it will. internal memory and that is what dmx boards do mainly. save show data. 2: nope! 3: no u cannot if u want ot do that get compuware. just my sugestion i love compuware. 4: i dunno the exact term if ur lights dim get the dpdmx20L if u just want to switch them off and on get a switch pack. peace! jingles! lighting guru! LOL
Re: Basics of Compu Live 06
I spoke to someone from elation support last night and they were able to email the correct ssl file and actually walked me thru the basics of adding the fixtures and programming scenes how do i create a spotlight program i created a scene that blacks out one fixture and points the other toward the center of the floor and used that x/y field to move it, i wanna know if there is a way that i can have 2 fixtures pointed at the same area and follow the other
Re: Basics of Compu Live 06
i did that, when i setup that switch it just moves to 4 different points in a cycle, the type of spot i was looking for is one that focuses on a certain point stays there until i move it. i was able to achieve this by setting a scene with with 2 fixtures pointed to the same spot and then moving them with the x/y preset button but i'm only able to control one fixture at a time. is there a way to have them both follow one mouse movement?
Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares
The different Software shouldn't be an issue, but we do always suggest you update your enodes the the most recent version. Do you have the enodes running in line? I would suggest testing it individually just to check to see if you get a different reaction.
Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares
https://forums.elationlighting...ode-4-fixture-update The firmware is now Online. Please make sure that you use the correct file, depending on the version you already have.
Re: Show Designer 3, Fixture Profiles
Hi David, Check out this download when you get a chance, it's the Showdesigner 2 and 3 library creater. You can easily create your own profile. SD LIBRARY CREATOR Best regards,
Re: Opto Branch
TAP is correct. However you should have both 3 and 5 pin outputs. If you get a 3 to 5 pin turn around you can actually use all 8 outputs making it an OPTO BRANCH 8. works great.
Re: Moving Head Hanging Brackets?
what is the size of the truss? IF its a 2 inch pipe you can use the heavy duty round clamps they screw in from top of clamp into the base and the screw does not interfear touching the pipe cause the screw has a flat end.
Re: Stupid Question but help
thanks mate. u are a great help. well its 4 30 am here so i am off to bed and when i get up you will be sleeping so i wanted to ask u a couple more things i can check the answers to later and if you could answer them then it is much appreciated. 1. i accidentily crossed off the real time screen that shows you the stage and your light show how do i get it back 2. how do i add music to the programme 3 how do i set the lights to follow the music jingles i cannot tell you how grateful i am to...
Re: Stupid Question but help
ok gn. del. 1) you se in the pic i posted at the top the lil circle with "3D" in it. click that that will re load ur 3d viewer. it looks like this: 2) your gonna want to use the program that comes with the emo called "easy show" it should be on your desktop. 3) to synch the lights to the music u have to first program some scenes and name them or just remember which ones they are. i use the master page alot for this. this is a really deailed part of programming on compuware. maybe i wil make...
Re: Magic 260
Domi, 1. 1.02 is currently the latest version. 2. When using a preset, the fixture profile must match the fixture. What fixture are you controlling? 3. You'll need to initialize the channel names. When opening the Magic 260 uploader program, close the Ulink Ver 1.08 window. Go to show forms (located on the top left corner) and select EditChName. Select Init and save. The Channel names will now appear when creating a profile. Please call me if you continue to have any problems Sergio C.
Re: Is there a place where I could. . .
no man. u need the dmx drivers for the software aswell. and besides the free version is limited. why not buy and have it be unlimited? and i know u can download the software drivers aswell but nothing is free and something is bound to have a restriction. peace! jingles!
Re: Compu Live Questions
hey and welcome to the board. well i can tell this is gonna be a long post for me lol! now i acn answer most of these with ways that have worked for me but we should also see what elation says about the best way ot do some of these things. 1) you can assign a fader to adjust the speed of each individual button u have created by right clicking on the fixture page or if u have it in a master scene the master page scrool down till u see live toolbar button. u will see a size and dimmer andspeed...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Jingles, Thanks for your help. I tried what you said, and here's what I found: 1. I do have my Cycle created under the Master page, so I tried using the Live Toolbar Button. I do see the size, dimmer and speed controls, but only when I have a scene (like Blue) selected. When I click my "Cycle 1" button, the size, dimmer and speed controls disappear and are replaced with the text: "Cycle: Cycle 1". It's like all of those features are being disabled b/c I'm running a cycle instead of a scene...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Hi Matchless1 I wanted to jump in and help out a bit. For Q1. You cannot control the speed of a cycle with 1 slider. What you would need to do for this is create steps using EASY STEP in the edit window of a scene. After multiple steps have been created, you need to convert the Easy step to EASY TIME using a yellow button labled Easy Time. This is where the faders Jingles was talking about kick in. Q2. The 3D window works seperatly from the real life fixtures. The attributes created are...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Brian, I am really impressed on how you picked everything up. So to move forward, you can achieve the tempo your looking for by activating the Audio function in Compu Live. Step 1. In the "controller" drop down menu look for "Starting parameters". Then in the Options box, choose "Audio/Midi" and in this new window, click on the check box with the speaker icon. Then close all windows. You will be prompted to restart, and the Audio Analizer box will open automaticly. Minimize this for a...
Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues
Hi Joey, That's wierd. I just programmed a few scenes and I am not getting the strobing effect with the design spots. I think its a matter of how your recording your scenes. For example If I have scene 1 lights on with blue wave gobo in position 1. I would then simply bring the dimmer down to zero and record scene 2 with the dimmer all the way down. So when I go from scene 1 to scene 2 and I add a fade time, the dimmer takes the time to dim, and thus no strobing. I just thought about it and...
Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues
i just tried what you suggested and still no luck... here are my steps first on the design spot page i set what i want.. so positions.. and colors..gobo's then i do the same for the other pages.. mostly LED lights once im done setting the scene up i click on the master page logo and press Save Scene.. using the scene fade toolbar i set my fade time.. to 2 seconds.. scene is programmed.. starting on init i click on the scene.. and this is when the strobing occurs.. it isn't a fast strobe..
Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues
Ahhh! Ok.. Your starting from INIT. This makes sense as with INIT all values of the moving light are off. So when you fade on, every function is fading. In programming you need to get used to creating set up scenes. A set up scene is the scene you want to be active before your actual scene comes on. This is what I was talking about when I suggested to create the scene you want, and bring down all the dimmers. Record that as the scene. Position, color, gobo, but dimmer off. then simply turn...
Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues
ok.. i have an the scene setter 2.. but its only for my house and incandescant lighting. it doesn't even have a grand master what is a good midi console? and how to you connect that your computer.. can they go usb as well? how would i learn more about setting up a midi to do sequencing with my lights with a click track also? (and do you know how to set up a fade for cycles) (and is there a hot key for GO during a cycle) sorry a lot of questions
Re: DMX Operator 192
hey! welcome. a scene is a static look or cue or whatever u want to call it. u acn only record one look per scene. so say u have 2 looks u want to create u move ur scanner or head to the desired psoition and adjust ur color or gobo to whatever u want it at and then record that scene. for the next step u can either keep it in the same position and change just color/gobo or u can move it and change everything. now to have them cycle or chase each other u have to record that as a chase. any...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Hi Matchless, Yes, I know what your talking about.. and you have a few simple modifications to work with. 1. The Design Spot 250 has two pan degree settings. The degree is the amount of spin from left to right that the light can move. It should be set to 540 degrees on the light to match the 3D window. 2. Once this is done, then on the 3D window you may want to invert the pan and tilt to match the direction of the actual light. Here is a picture to help you find the pan and tilt inversion.
Re: Compu Live Questions
John, 1. I changed the degree angle from 630 to 540 on the light. I even reset the pan motors on the light. Unfortunately, this did not affect the "home" position of the light. It looks like I'm still off by 45-90 degrees on the pan. 2. Also, I did invert the pan last night to get the movement direction corrected (i.e. Clockwise vs. Counter Clockwise pan). So anyway, ?????, still can't get my "home" positions to match the viewer. And, yes, it does affect every movement in real life after...
Re: Stage setter 8 question
Thanks for the response. We use 2 elationdmx20l dimmer paks on separate circuits, 4 par cans on each, and to the best of my knowledge the dmx line is terminated properly. I don't believe we are exceeding the maximum load as the lights worked fine all last year.
Re: Easy Show: Show Video on Second Monitor
With lap tops its a bit more challenging to do this. The problem with Lap Tops is all graphic memory is dedicated to screen 1. Screen 2 gets practically no graphic memory. For this reason the video screen will maximize on screen 1. Your 1st task is to make the second monitor be the primary monitor, and the lap top screen to be the secondary montitor. You can do this in the Display Property settings.