Hey all. Stupid newbie question here. So here is the scoop. I have been using compuware for about 6 months, and it has been perfect for my show. I use the easy show timeline, and have all the lighting sinked perfectly to the music.
So, just for fun, I bought a elation operator pro, just to play with, etc. But I am getting frustated. How the heck do you get it time accurate? do you have to sit there with a calculator, and add up all the hold and fade times, or what? Maybe I am missing the point.
Second question. Live music. Thus far, all the shows I have worked with have been to pre recorded music, and thus I have been able to have complete control of the timing. Now I have to do some work with a band, and I am starting to freak. How do you do it? Do I just program a lot of scenes and flip through them when I feel like it? Or do I do my best with the chase timing? I know there is probably not a "standard way" to do it, but what do the rest of you do when it comes to lighting a concert?
Thanks so much.
P.S. I am going off to school the end of april, and I will have a ton of light gear to sell, and I would be thrilled to give you all a sweet deal, caus this forum has been such a big help to me.
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