Ok bdunard, here are the shots. Sorry it took a while to do, been really busy.
First is white. The Opti 30 RGB on the left and DLED36 on the right. The target is about 5 feet away.
As you can see, the DLED 36 is brighter, though not by much. The beam is also bigger, as would be expected in 25 degree angle vs 39 degree angle.
Next is red.
Then green.
And lastly blue.
One interesting thing I learned while doing this, the Opti 30 RGB is much better at matching the gel colors in the gel selector then the DLED 36 is on the Road Hog. The DLED36 had a knack for being brighter then it should, meaning too much white. It also on some colors was completely off, like R332, R96, and R57 just as a few examples.
I have also done this vs a S4 ParNel lamped with a 750w extended life lamp and went color for color on the Hog's gel picker. The DLED 36 keeps up just fine, against a 575w extended life lamp, it should be on about the same level.
PS: Sorry about photo quality, forgot my camera at home and used the camera phone instead.