I'm trying to add a second enode4 in line with my first. The new one has a different firmware version. It looks like it is getting weird data. The Activity LED is flashing crazily even with the board off. I believe the IP addresses, etc. are correct, since I can send data and make the LEDs I am running work. But when I am sending nothing from the board, the LEDs flash. Is this a firmware incompatability issue, or should I look elsewhere? 1st unit is B2.0 V2.0, 2nd just says v2.3. I can't find any firmware info on Elation website.
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The different Software shouldn't be an issue, but we do always suggest you update your enodes the the most recent version.
Do you have the enodes running in line? I would suggest testing it individually just to check to see if you get a different reaction.
Thank you for the reply, still finding time in our schedule to test them individually. I can't find firmware info on your website, can you point me to the download and/or instructions?
Unfortunately we don't have that information online at the moment, but if you reach out to me at santanaz@elationlighting.com then I can give you further information.
The firmware is now Online. Please make sure that you use the correct file, depending on the version you already have.