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I have an Elation DR-PRO rack and have run into an issue. I have one preset that will get stuck between 2 frames and will not allow the lights to move. It seems as they are struggling to move and I don't wan them to be damaged. I am new to the lighting field and these presets were set by the previous engineer. Any help is very much appreciated, thanks in advanced

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      To whom it may concern,

Good afternoon when you say preset, I assume you are referring to the memory bank scenes. Is that correct? If so, how many memory bank scenes do you have recorded? If so, are the other memory bank scenes working fine? Are these moving head type fixtures? Please confirm.

Yes I am. I have 6 recorded in the memory bank. All of the others are working fine, it is just this one. I am new to this field so at first I didn’t notice any issues until I took a closer look. They are moving head fixtures and only run into this problem with this specific memory. My workplace currently doesn’t have a functioning dmx controller, and hasn’t since I began working there. Not sure if that would help anything. There is an SD card in the rack itself that I assume has some valuable info but have no way to read it at the moment

If all the other memory bank scenes are working fine and the fixtures are panning and tilting correctly on the other scenes recorded on this DR PRO RACK, then it's possible this scene may have corrupted. Do you know if this scene you are referring to ever worked or was it like this when you took over? What we need to remember is that there is software running the PRO RACK and like any other software, it can become corrupted on it's own.

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