i am using the compu live 1024 ec , with the sept 29 2009 update on windows xp with 512 ram
i set up the key board keys as triggers for my light
space bar = black out
z = for all lights on
x = for white
c = yellow
v = red
b = greeen
n = blue
m = purple
, = pink
last night for awhile they were working fine
but then after awhile the triggers z x c v b n m , stoped working the only thing that would work was the spacebar to turn off the lights unless i took the mouse and clicked on that one light button to make it come on then use the space bar to make it go off..
but i could only control that one color light untill i picked another color with the mouse clicked on it then that light would work with the trigger and the space bar to turn it off and so on and so fourth
any ideas ? i added pics
