I bought a new Trio 1248 these days because it sounded very intersting for
me to play with it. It will be delivered tomorrow so I tried to start over
making the fixture profiles for the unit. I own LED Fixtures and DMX FXes
from Eurolite and Futurelight, but they are not in the software's list. So
I thought to make them by myself, because I am quite experienced in these
things while using DMX software.
Unfortunately the Editor dosnt work quite well:
1. I get repeatedly "Runtime Error" with crashing the software. YOu never
know WHEN it will happen, but sure it WILL.
2. Cannot open the profile files, most of the data in the /flib folder do
not have any extension.
3. I tried to rename the files to xxx.tff and could open a few of them.
But mot of the files are abolutely empty.
4. There is no manual for the software: I urgently need a description of
the arguments. What does "type", "value", "ch6bit" mean and so on.
5. There is no manual for the flash converter, how do I use it. How to
patch the LEDs to show the "film"?
Enough for today, more to come later.
Would be nice to get some support.
Sry for my poor english, hope I could describe the issues quite well and

empty file of an Elation fixture: