Anyway, here are the specs:
Road Hog Console
2 Mac 700s
2 DS 575Es
2 PS 575IEs
8 DLED 36 MHs
2 DLED 36s
2 Proton Stars
2 DP-640Bs
84 Source Four Pars Wide
19 26 Degree Source Four Lekos
5 19 Degree Source Four Lekos
2 Antari X-310 Fazers

This shot is a wide. On each side of the stage there was a flat. Each had a DLED36 on it for color, most of the time matching costume colors. The cyc has 4 gobos on it, from the FoH from S4 Lekos. The other effect was from two Mac 700s on the deck on each side of the stage. Wish they were PS700CMYs, more on that later. On the top of the shot, you can see 8 blue lights, those are the DLED36MHs which I used for back light. Completely awesome. Any color I wanted, used strobe feature in a bunch of scenes, bally hos, color chases, focus on attention, etc etc. I could even use them as a cyc wash if I wanted.

My view from FoH during intermission. There was no curtain warmer and the DLED36s weren't lit for walk in/pre-show. Nice suprise when the signs all the sudden lit up and then changed colors.

This shot has the castle from FoH and another S4 leko again. The spots on SR and SL for the Nutcracker, Clara, and Sugar Plum are DS575Es, which I grow to love more and more everyday. On a side note, yes, the Nutcracker is insanely tall, 7'5" to be exact. And was a good dancer surprisingly for his size.

This is where I can comment on the two comments above, about the Mac 700s and wanting PS700CMYs and DS575Es. The cyc has the Mac 700s on it, the amber gobos, but the blue is actually 2 DS575Es with the frost filter in.
The cyc lights were burned out, no spare lamps. The fact I could use 2 DS575Es zoomed all the way out, frost filter in, with a dark color like that, and actually see them vs Mac 700s and the stage washes was extremely impressive. The reason I would have wanted PS700CMYs, frost filter. I took a stock DLED36 frost filter and put it over one of the Mac's, prefect cyc wash. Instead, I had to tie up the DS575Es with this task, losing cyc light altogether some scenes, losing break up and other gobo projection from the DS575Es at others. Really aggravated me.
For comparison:

As you can see, cyc is completely dark because I moved the DS575Es to hit the dancers down stage. Can also see the DLED36MHs fanned onto them as well.

This shot was cool even though it was blurry. Two confitei(I can't spell and Firefox isn't helping lol) cannons down stage tucked behind the flats, filled to 100 PSI ion the tanks. Went off with a huge bang.
As for other stuff, I can testify with this show that a DS575E is truly a hybrid fixture like Elation says it is. I was even using them for stage wash at some point. I wouldn't sub them for actual wash fixtures, given the money. In a tight spot however, they work fantastically.
The PS700CMY vs a Mac 700 I have done/seen before. there was some stuff I like more about the Mac, some I like more about the PS. The three major factors for me however, frost filter in the PS vs none in the Mac. I have talked about that above. The next is it is modular. I don't know if anyone has gone digging around in a Mac 700 on here before, but it is a royal pain in the, well, you know. You have to rip the whole fixture apart to get sections out. The last and probably most important feature, cost. Elation has a fixture that costs $7,000 on the net vs $10,500 for a Mac 700 on the net. More feature and better construction in my opinion for $3,500 less. That is a no brainer to me, as that extra $3,500 I can get a DS300E or nearly a DW575E.