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Tagged With "Dimmer Packs"


Re: Show Designer

Jingles8302 ·
hey wassup? and welcome to the elation lighting forums! first off for the sd1 and par cans and effects. meaning non dmx fixtures u will need dimmer/ switch packs as well. what they do is u can plug ur effects and pars cans to them and depending what fixtures u have they will either dim the cans or turn on and off the effects that u have. but don't ever try to use a dimmer on a effect light cause it really need to be just shut off and on dimming them could decrease lamp life i think. also...

Re: Help w/ DMX addys

homeboy ·
The first pack should have only the first dip switch up and the second should have only the first and third up. This will make the channel 1 for the first and 5 for the second, thus covering all 8 channels you want. No, you can't separate the two plugs so you get 8 channels out of each pack, its strictly 4 channels. However, yes you can add more packs and "piggy back" or "daisy chain" (which ever term you prefer) off of the DMX outs from the last dimmer pack. You should already be doing this...

Re: Upgrading to DMX operator 192- need guidance!

Jingles8302 ·
ok i will make this quick but if u need more info please ask! 1: yes it will. internal memory and that is what dmx boards do mainly. save show data. 2: nope! 3: no u cannot if u want ot do that get compuware. just my sugestion i love compuware. 4: i dunno the exact term if ur lights dim get the dpdmx20L if u just want to switch them off and on get a switch pack. peace! jingles! lighting guru! LOL

Re: Compu 06 Help

ebaclights ·
Its not the dimmer... I plugged in an Elation pack and tried it and its doing the same thing. If I do a fade time of 5 seconds or so, its there but its real hard to notice because its so fast. If I do anything above that, around 60 seconds, its real noticible. Its like . . . . . . . . . . . Any ideas?

Re: Stage setter 8 question

surgeprotech ·
Does it happen with both packs? If so, Have you tried each pack separately?

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Nope... i tried reinstalling the software and its still doing the same thing.This is what my CPU has... MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP HOME EDITON VERSION 2002 SERICE PACK 2 INTEL PENTIUM M PROCESSOR 1.73 GHZ 795 MHz, 504 MB OF RAM 80GB OF HARDDRIVE SPACE WHAT COULD BE GOING WRONG??

Re: I Can't Decide!!!!

elationpro ·
Hi Choirboy, 2400Watts is exactly 20 amps. the DP-DMX20L can only handle 15 amps or if you change the power cord to a 12gauge cord, then it can do the full 20 amps. I would recommend the following. CYBER PACK - 20 AMPS 2400WATTS ETL APROVED DP-640B - 40 AMPS 4800 WATTS UL APROVED. Best regards,

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

elationpro ·
Hi Lemon, Yes.. right now, you can control each pod individually. if you use the 48 ch. mode. So each pod will be 6 channels each. So pack 1 will start at 001 pack 2 will start at 049 pack 3 will start at 097 Ch 1 is rainbow ch 2 red ch 3 green ch 4 blue ch 5 strobe ch 6 chase If you use ch 6 to engage a chase of which you have 8 chases. ch 1 becomes speed time, and ch2 becomes fade time.

Re: Lighting Newbie

jpal ·
I assigned the dimmer pack to A129 as stated in the manual. then i set the dimmer pack to work for only 2 channels. then i plugged in a par can light to channel 1 and another par can light into channel 2. as you said, the console should make the channel 2 light work on the next fader which is 130. but that's not whats happening. Fader 129 is turning on both of the lights, and fader 130 doesn't do anything. I know the next thing u guys might say is check what outlet im plugging the par can...

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
@JPal Congrats on getting you accu spots working. now for the dimmer pack. This particular pack has 3 modes (as you already know) 1 channel, 2 channel, and 4 channel. Here is how they work: 1 Channel This setting allows all the lights plugged into the pack to be turned on/off using one channel. Meaning that if you set your pack to 1 channel mode and the address is at A129, when you turn on that fader all the lights will come on. 2 Channel This setting allows the four channels to be turned on...

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

Jingles8302 ·
Good job jthtiger! But flipper what ever you do DO NOT plug your DMX lights in to the DP-415!! never plug your DMX lights into a dimmer pack as it will ruin the the DMX hardware and motors in your intelligent lights. also i believe your stage setter 8 that came with your pack should have enough channels for your lights. but can u tell me how many pars you have/plan to use? let me know and i can be of further help. sincerely,

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
Yes. have no fear you run your DMX through the pixel drives much kinda like a dimmer pack if you will but more suited for the rivas. you will still have all the control you need. for each set of 8 you get you will get a pixel drive with it. they are sold as a set of 8 anyways but you can purchase more individual pods as well as pixel drives. understand?

Re: Compu live Dec. 21, 2007 version; movie record error

perfectmixsoundinc ·
PS: this is a Windows 2000 profesional OS service pack 4

Re: black lights

Jingles8302 ·
serra I meant if is not recommended to hook a dimmer pack to the elation UV WASH. But thanks for elaborating. Sincerely,

Re: black lights

serraava ·
Continuing on now: The buzzing noise is known as lamp sing, it's caused by the power being turned on and off really fast. The way this is fixed is more expensive dimmers have what is known as a choke after the SCR so the power change is as dramatic as on/off. The better the quality of dimmer, the less lamp sing you will get. Now why non-dim isn't really non-dim. Despite you setting a dimmer to non dim, either via the pack or the console, the power still passes through the SCR and choke. So,...

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
Our rep, Jeff Mathis, suggested that controller. The lights will be 8 Par64 LED PRO and 4 American PAR56 (with a DP20L dimmer pack). Most church will do is change colors on the LED and dim the PAR56 fixtures. True that the Magic 260 will run both kinds of lights?

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
very true don't worry. There is a master fader for the dimmer pack and the LEDs will have no prob on the console. Rain if I knew something wouldn't work I would tell u. sincerely,

Re: Dimmer Pack Issue

serraava ·
I believe, and I could be wrong, that the DP-DMX20L uses fuses instead of breakers for the channels as well as the pack itself. I would check the fuses and make sure they are not blown. When buying dimmer packs, always try to get breakers instead of fuses. Saves a lot of headaches. Breakers may cost more, but you will make out better when a show you need your packs for doesn't go up thanks to no spare/brunt out fuses.

Re: Dimmer Pack Issue

chrislang ·
Since fuses on both packs blew, you might want to make sure you aren't pulling more wattage than the pack can support, especially if you are leaving them on for long periods of time. Just remember.. West Virginia --- W V A Watts = Volts * Amps

Re: Dimmer Problems, Termination?

elationpro ·
Hi Joe, Your dimmers have 3 modes 1 channel mode.. all for channels are the same address 2 channel mode.. chan 1 controlls 1 & 2, ch 2 controls 3 & 4. so the pack is only 2 channels. then 4 channel mode.. this is the channel your looking for. breaks it up to 4 channels.. should be on the silk screen of the dimmer.. if not check the user manual. Best regards,

Re: Noobie question..

Jingles8302 ·
Rick welcome to the forums. if you want to run dmx led lights on the S.S. 24 you are really gonna need a larger controller. you CAN use DMX lights with the S.S. 24 but are limited to only 24 channels. each dmx led par is about 5 dmx channels. which means 4 of those leds if you like them to be run individually will take up about 20 dmx channels. if you give me your email i can send you a PDF document about the basics and how to run DMX. my email is jamesk AT Elation lighting DOT COM so send...

Re: Noobie question..

Jingles8302 ·
No you cant split the function of a dmx light. either has to be dmx or stand alone. and also do not plug in a DMX light to a dimmer pack EVER. you will ruin the light. the chips and such cannot handle being dimmed in that way. so if you have a led or two at about 6 dmx channels that will use up either 6 or 12 channels on that board. read the PDF and see if it makes sense in there. ok? let me know if you have any more questions after you have read it. Sincerely,

Re: How do you select & Group of fixtures?

edub ·
First off, as if you don't hear it enough, I'm new to the software and just moderately familiar with DMX and programming lights. Jingles, I have two 6 channel dimmer packs that I would like to group fixtures together. Do I just need to change where they are plugged into the dimmer pack and make it easy? Also, I have 8 LED PAR 64's and I would like to group them all together as well as other different groupings. I have 4 Intimidators and colorado 3's that I would like to groups in various...

Re: How do you select & Group of fixtures?

Jingles8302 ·
E*dub if you have two dimmer packs i assume you are hooking par cans up to the dimmer pack and not the LED dmx lights correct? never plug a DMX light into a dimmer pack it will ruin the fixture. you can group any of your fixtures together as a group and are able to control them individually or as a group by creating a new group. to control them i believe you select the fixtures/group you want to control and then go to the fixtures pages and use the functions there. As i have said before the...

Re: lighting que fades

ebaclights ·
Sounds like the channels in the pages have lost the dimmer/fade settings. Open up the "page" box and right click on the page for the lights that are not dimming and select "settings". Next you want to select "channels" under the general tab. From here you can click on each channel for the light or dimmer pack, and click the "enable fade function" box for the channels that should fade. Make sure this box and the "enable dimmer function" box is checked on the all the channels you want to fade.

Re: Compulive works, but no output from Dongle, Please help!

jeromecasi ·
Well that would have been a good disclaimer to know before hand since NSI is a major manufacturer of Dimmer packs and that dimmer pack is used in Theatres everywhere. So what, all my money is shot now, how much for a repair and how soon, I have a show next Fri with this thing. Is the box for sure damaged? Thanks Jerome Casinger IGNITE spokane Pres.

Re: Newbie w/ Scene Setter 24

surgeprotech ·
Mattrix, The T16F works a little different from the Dp-Dmx4B, so you'll need to assign each pack it's own address. The T16F uses 5 channels of DMX and is automaticaly assigned to channel 1 when placed in slave mode. Raising slider 1 to value 255 will allow you to have control of the 4 channels on the pack using sliders 2-5. The Dp-Dmx4B will need to start at channel 6 (dip switch 1,2 and 3 to the on position). You can assign the same address to the third dimmer pack and control them together...

Re: Understanding the DMX Operator

studio42 ·
I'm jumping into this a bit later than I normally would, but I don't normally read this forum, despite the fact that I should. I have the DMX Operator. So, I know how it work quite well. I can't say I know it 100% inside and out, but I can get around it quite easily. I need to refer to the manual for programming it because I can't recall those steps. Other than that, the DMX Operator is my buddy. It is my reliable fall back for MyDMX. Issue 1: The scanner buttons. Each scanner buttonis...

Re: Programming PAR LEDS with stage setter 8

joelc ·
Eric, I forgot one thing, make sure your plugging the P64Led directly into the controller and not using a dimmer pack. This can do some damage to your Led Fixture.

Re: DP-415?

geek3 ·
check to make sure the Dimmer pack are setting with first one's address:1 and second one address:5 also make sure you have the DMX polarity set right. and If I remmeber right the eurolight board are 5pin dmx (at least most of them are). that is going to require a 5pin to 3pin adapter (I am guessing you already have it). make sure the pin on the adapter are connecting the proper data pins to the right ones need on the pins for the dimmer pack (the dimmer and the board probably say which pin...

Re: operator 192

geek3 ·
Well, Correct me if I am wrong but that board is mainly for intels. you don't need to setup a fixture profile for dimmer packs they simply dimmer (0-255) the dip switch need to be setup for channel for ex if you want dimmer pack one to be channels 1-4 set it as ch 1. if you want dimmer pack 2 to be 5-8 set it as 5. also there is probably a way to make it run on 1ch 2ch or 3ch. if you want ch1-4 turn all dip switch to off. Also note this is not a DMX dimmer pack. it is an NSI Miroplex one...

Re: operator 192

serraava ·
Don't try and plug this dimmer pack into a DMX console. Microplex is a powered signal and can fry the DMX drive of the console. You will need a Microplex to DMX converter box to use it with a DMX console as geek3 said. Your best bet, however, might be to look into different dimmer packs. Microplex is back from the time before DMX was standard in which everyone had their own control format. So instead of wasting money on a converter box for a dead end format, I would invest into new dimmer...

Re: New to programming

serraava ·
Hi sonicdj01 and welcome to the forums. You most certainly will be able to control each light indivually with Compu 1024 EC and an Elation DP-415 dimmer pack. Ask jingles, resident Compu guru, with any questions about how exactly to set this up. Once again welcome to the forums.

Re: Power Question

surgeprotech ·
Matt, Is this the American DJ SC8 System? If so, it's limited to 15 amps per switch pack. So you'll need to purchase an additional switch pack in order to run two different circuits.

Re: Stage Setter 8 HELP!

serraava ·
Hi DivAngie and welcome to the forums. I can answer your second question for you, but not the first unfortunately (don't know the Stage Setter line of consoles). Hopefully jingles will be along to answer that one soon. A terminator is a good idea for really long runs of DMX or when you have a lot of units on a single line of DMX. DMX can handle 32 units per line, be it LEDs, dimmer packs, dimmer racks, moving lights, foggers, scanners, or anything else DMX based. Unless that dimmer pack is...

Re: elation DP-DMX20L Channel Type Impossible

elationpro ·
Page 6, step 5 is to set an intensity level for the chase that is running. If you want to select between dimmer mode or switch pack mode take a look at page 8, steps 5 & 6. Best regards,

Re: stage setter 8 problems

cybrian ·
Thanks for the response, guys.... I talked to a rep at Elation today and he said it was because I was plugging dmx lights (colorstrips and laser) into a dimmer pack and it was shorting it out. I guess that makes sense, since it only happened when the colorstrips were on. I had thought I could run it this way since I was running the colorstrips and laser in sound active mode, and using the dimmer to just turn them on and off. I'm going to try running the 4 channel colorstrips through 12 - 16...

Re: stage setter 8 problems

Jingles8302 ·
Ya NEVER plug a DMX capable fixture into the power outlets on a dimmer pack. it will fry out your motors and perhaps the DMX driver chips. Sincerely,

Re: Clueless newbie w/ scene setter 24

serraava ·
A Scene Setter can program chases (it calls these scenes for some reason). The difference is a chase is a series of steps/looks in a row that loop over and over again. A scene is simply one look. So basically, you can call a chase a series of scenes. Now, the Scene Setter is mainly used for conventional lighting (lights that work off a dimmer pack like par cans) and can be used for LED lighting as well but isn't the best console in the world for it. Which fixtures are you using? Maybe you...

Re: strobe

Jingles8302 ·
which elation pack are you using? i cannot find a 815 on our website or adj's. Also can you kinda rephrase your question? Or let me ask you this: your saying that you snap shots are doing one flash about a min or so when there is no dmx command telling them too? Sincerely,

Re: strobe

serraava ·
That would be do to voltage leak. The little voltage leaked by the dimmer builds up the capacitors in the strobe unit it fills up and fires off a burst. Simplest way to solve this is put a ghost light on the same channel on the pack as the strobe is. The voltage leak will go towards that instead of the strobe then. Any filament lamp will work.

Re: Pinout for copilot relay cable

zy ·
Relay cable to connect/add the relay packs. DE9 (db9) com cable m-f. somtimes call 9pin Dplug. for the 8 channel analog controler or the copilot. I have controller and a relay pack, but I can not test without a relay cable. If I knew what the pinout configuration was, I would try a 6ft computer com cable and re-pin it. I don't want to spend 30 bucks for a cable, when I am just testing to see if it works.

Re: Pinout for copilot relay cable

zy ·
Cool, i wasn't sure that would be something they would share or not. If I can test it and know it works I will spend the money to get a 50 foot cable. example would be on the male end pin 9 goes to pin 5 on the female end for (ground or power ect..)obvoisly a computer cable won't or and I have a cable from a competitor that wont work because it is pinned different intentionally. Thus I don't even know if the controler works becasue power is ran from the relay pack.

Re: Need Help - Scene Setter 48

serraava ·
Hi Markus and welcome to the forums. I am a little confused. Did the person change a setting on a dimmer pack or the console itself? The only thing I can really think of at the moment is breaking down the system and starting again from scratch. Of course, I am falling over as I type this so my brain isn't working at peak right now so forgive me. Try this, take one dimmer pack down, plug it directly into the console right next to it, start with channel 1 and change the address on the pack and...

Re: Need Help - Scene Setter 48

markus ·
SerraAva, Thanks for the response. What happened was the dimmer pack addressed on Channel 29 was changed from RECEIVE mode to CHASE. I'm sure some other button pushing took place, but immediately all of the lights attached to our controller started strobing/chasing. I revisited every piece of equipment and verified the addressing. Fortunately, we had documentation as well that matched, so I reset the address on the DP and set the correct channel. I have narrowed it down to the SS48, but I...

Re: ICE-101 and freezer packs

studio42 ·
Well, the ice pack idea will be something I try in the future. I'll stick with ice cubes for now, especially since the stage manager will pay for those. I coughed up for the ICE-101, time for them to help out! I find myself really liking this unit a lot. I'll see about getting some low speed and small fans to help spread it out a bit. That plus the angle I think will make a big difference. I was thining of using some sort of a low profile v-wedge on the ground slightly in front of where the...

Re: elation DP-DMX20L Channel Type Impossible

studio42 ·
There is an older model of the DP-DMX20L that is only a dimmer pack. I have 3 of these, and I absolutely enjoy them. Having switching capability would be nice, but it's never been an issue for me. Mine are labelled AmericanDJ and Elation. I think you may have gotten older units? They've been making them with the switching option for some time now, I think at least a couple of years.

Re: new cyberpak, not at full power

studio42 ·
It's hard to say without knowing more. 1: What are you running off the dimmer? 2: What else is on the circuit? Chances are it is not a DMX issue or a pack configuration issue. I'm personally not aware of any dimmers that throttle output, especially since maximum draw through the channel is relative to what is drawing power as well as channel current capacity/fusing. The adaptor has no bearing, it's a standard bit of gear. Offer more information, please.

Re: new cyberpak, not at full power

studio42 ·
OK, an Altman 6X12 draws 750-watts each. 2 fixtures is 1500-watts. Source Four draws 575 watts. The Cyberpak claims 2400-watts total output, but that's conditional on 600-watts per channel maximum draw. There is an output limiter, but that's still not going to address your problem. The problem is you need a higher capacity pack. The Cyberpack isn't going to be the right gear for your situation. The DP-DMX20L is 10 amps/channel, 20-amps total draw. This might be more allong the lines of what...

Re: new cyberpak, not at full power

serraava ·
Source Fours can be 375, 550, 575, or 750w. 360Q's can be 575 or 750w. Chris is correct however in that you need a higher power rated dimmer pack if running 750w lamps. Look towards the DP-640B . I have a bunch of them and love them. A lot of little extra features that I use quite a bit and are quite useful (dimming control on the pack, can patch each channel individually, instant on dip switches).