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Hello ,

I am a newbie to DMX lighting and controller software. Two days ago, I received my copy of Emulation and two of my twelve lights (ADJ Accu Scan 250 & ADJ Accu Roller 250) to begin my crash course in lighting.

After being initially stumped with the lights and software, I fired off an email to Elation Support to explain my ignorance. Rafael Chico Jr. responded with a copy of DMX 101 handbook and the correct link to this forum (the one in manual wouldn't work for some reason). Thanks Raf. Yesterday, I read the handbook and every post here on the "Emulation Software Discussion". I have scanned the other posts and topics outside of the "Emulation Software Discussion" for some additional basic knowledge. From reading the forums, I realize that lighting is a bit tricky for the beginner who doesn't understand the basic concept and terms associated with programming lights.

Two nights ago, when I was extremely lost, I had both of my lights patched-- although they were both responding to the same commands from the programmer. After my research yesterday, I assumed this was because both lights were on the same address/channel. So last night I changed one light to 9 and kept the other on 1, but I couldn't get either light to respond to anything. Feeling very stupid, it would shut everything down, turn on the lights, address them on the LED panel, launch the program and repatch. Nothing. I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know where. I'll try to get the lights patched in again tonight.

As others in the forum have stated, the manual seems to be a bit lacking, although today it makes MUCH more sense than it did yesterday. Between Youtube and Jesus postings, I now have a BASIC concept of programming work flow. It seems that the interface will be my next challenge. When my lights where patched I could see what the programmer was doing. I don't understand what the sliders to the left of the programmer do or the numbers beneath them. I also don't understand what the play buttons up top and the empty slots on top of them do, and how they relate, if at all, to the play banks. What is the difference b/t a playback button and a playback slider?

Also, I have tried to get my Korg Kontrol, Keys, and Pads to work with the software. I plug in the controllers, launch the software, and they show up in the Map sections of MIDI. I only see the MIDI light activate when I use the Pad, the program doesn't seem to recognize data coming from the Kontrol and Keys. Can multiply controllers be used at once? Also, I don't see anything in the software react to the MIDI commands from the Pad though. Is there a mapping process involved or am I using a standard mapping?

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
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Hey nosnum and welcome to the forums.

I would check here real quick as well. I wrote this FAQ a little while back now. It explains some more stuff and might answer some questions you have. For patching and setup, I can help.

For programing problems, I would ask jingles since he is more familiar with the software then myself.

For midi stuff, I would ask Studio42 since he uses midi quite a bit to control his software.

For anything else, just ask and I am sure myself or someone else will be more then willing to help.
I'd kill for a proper manual at this point.

I am having some trouble with my Accu Roller 250. Gobos 5 (blob), 6 (Doughnut), 7 (triangle), and 8 (5-dots) all are displayed as Gobo 3(X). The light also resets itself about every 15 minutes whether it's operational or idle. Also, sometimes, but not all the time, when nothing is playing, and the Programmer is cleared, I still get a small bit of rotation from the roller. Would this be a software or fixture problem?

Could someone please name and describe the purpose of the grey line on the right side of the "Cuelist XX" button that is displayed above the play buttons (??) when in fixtures view (??). I see this line is controlled by the knob on my Korg Kontrol, but I can't seem to figure out what it does.

Apparently, only one Midi controller can be used at one time, and there is no mapping function. Any comments?

ok. didn't know it was possible to program a reset as a cue. i'll check.

thanks for the midi info.

i have the latest version that you posted here on this thread installed. the gobo icons show up in the programmer, but, as stated, four of the gobos all trigger the "X" (#3). i'll to see if the same behavior existed on the older version.

could you please answer my question about line-% display.
nosnum here is a picture that helps describe your question.

We are working on a updated manual as we speak. Should be ready within a week or two. i also have a updated personality profile for you. I had our developer check and those three gobo's were all outputting the same dmx value. I apologize for that. check your email i am sending you the file.

I use three midi controllers (a midi foot control board and two keyboards) at the same time to set my hardware dmx controller. The dmx controller can't tell where the signal comes from - from whatever source the midi signal arives, the unit responds. Your dongle should be no different.

The only trick is that you have to merge the midi signals from multiple sources into one cable that goes to the dongle. If you have a controller that can merge midi signals that arrive at its midi IN into the signal sent from the midi OUT, just run the midi signal from your first source into the second, let the second merge the two signals and then go from the midi OUT of the second midi source to the midi IN of the dongle. If your midi controller won't merge then you'll have to use something like this:

Good luck,


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