Did you ever use the compu live software? Well to find a individual profile file location on your hard drive the file path is , Start, computer, OS:C, Compushowbeta, Scanlibrary.
To add it into the software Click on the "Page" text at the very top left of the screen. Then click on the page curl icon called new page, Then a new window will appear with a list of folders such as _generic, _Varied, Etc. Navigate to the company profile you wish to add say you said a Design spot PRO. So scroll down to elation Pro folder and find the Design spot 250 PRO and then click on it. Now you will see the fixtures information load up to the right. It will have a moving head icon ad tell you the number of channels and the pan and tilt and beam angles. Click next and now you can patch it into the software. click on the arrows to get to the number drop down windows to select the relevant DMX universe and first dmx channel and how many fixtures. Or simply click on the icon of the fixture type in this case a moving head icon will appear. You can just click on it and drag and drop it onto the DMX universe grid to any number you want. you can even space out the address of the fixtures. Meaning you don't have to have a straight patch. once you do that hit the patch button if you didn't drag and drop fixtures into the grid, if you did drag and drop you simply need to just hit next. The next step will be to adjust the limit of pan and tilt range of the fixture(s). I won't go into this right now unless you ask me too. Lots to do and know about a lot of this stuff. so hit next and skip it. Now on step 4, where it says you can choose to crate pre-programmed switches from presets as defined in the scan library, Leave everything as it is. It's better that way. Also I can go into this more later on. Hit next and now step 5, you may now select the relevant Pre-Programmed scenes and adjust the moving area for the fixture. Again I'll skip this otherwise this post will be a novel to read if it's not already. So hit next. click finish to confirm the page. you can also check the box to automatically add the page to the master page. Once you hit finish your page will be patched and appear in the software.
so let all that sink in and if you need more details on anything let me know.
Also your my first official support request for this software congrats. No sorry you don't get a prize for that.
But I can check. haha.