I am running compulive for our church application and i do like the software interface and useability of the software. We are new to the pc based controllers and are running 4 martin scanners, 2 chauvet moving heads, 2 adj par 56 led, and 4 chauvet colorstrips. The moving heads and scanners are working great.
The problem we are facing is a random flashing on the chauvet color strips and a dim and fade issue with the adj pars. I spoke to Barry at Chauvet and he seems to think this is a controller issue...well maybe... and i would think it a light issue if it werent for the adj's acting funny too. The flashing is totally random and is individual to each fixture.
We like all the items we are using just wish we could resolve the flashing issue. Has anyone had a similar problem or can give me some advise? PLEASE!!!!
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