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Hello all,

I am stumped. I was linking the dimmer function of a page to a midi slider and it worked for a minute. But it wasn't attached to the right page, so I disconnected the midi command from that page. I have right clicked on the slider (in the console window) and verified that the slider is not connected to anything.

My problem is I have several pages now that all scenes and switches only send out a maximum DMX value of "3" and no higher. I verified this in the DMX output window. Not all scenes has this problem now though.

I have several scenes on the master page, some work fine and send the right values as called for in the scenes. Others though are all limited to 3.

I checked the edit window for the affected buttons and all should be sending the "full on" command, yet the DMX output shows "3".

It's almost like somehow I set a upper parameter limit on the button. If I reconnect the midi function, the slider moves the full range in the console window, but only has a motion range of 0-3 for DMX values.

Any thoughts?
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All set. I was pretty stumped last night and did not sleep well. I started fresh this morning with a blank show. I rebuilt the fixture pages, and slowly added scenes with midi control. All is well.

The FCB 1010 is a midi footcontroller. You may recall my live shows are 12 string guitar with midi bass pedals, so all my light control has to be by foot. This midi controller is perfect for triggering the software. The FCB has two expression pedals. I programmed the left for dimming control the spot pars on me and pedal #2 for dimming control on the audience cyc's.

Somehow I got into trouble last night while programming the expression pedals and screwed up the other scenes. But I couldn't find where the problem was. The midi screen showed full range on the dimmers, the edit page showed full output, and the DMX dimmer packs weren't limited. Somehow the software was capping the maximum DMX value at 7. I know I said 3 last but that was the percent output screen. The 255 DMX level was all 7.

Anyway all is good.

Any word on the I/O contact query below. I need these 8 switches to trigger scenes I always will need handy (strobes, cyc's etc.), when the footcontroller might be on a different page?


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