Hi all,
I just inherited a house lighting gig with a lot of problems to fix (and I was an audio guy before this, so I've got a LOT of learning to do). Firstly, two of our 7 Elation Design Spot 250 Pros are giving me trouble with lamping off at random times. Sometimes they lamp off together, sometimes only one or the other.
The real problem, however, is that once they go off, they won't lamp back on for 15-30 minutes. So far, I've been able to get them back on after some waiting period, but it's still really frustrating in the middle of a show when one of my stage spots just disappears for a half-hour.
Is this a possible sign of a lamp going out, or should I look at other troubleshooting options before replacing the lamp? I do not know if this universe is properly terminated or not, but I can't imagine a termination issue keeping a fixture being able to lamp on at all. I can understand making it lamp on/off erratically, but not just causing it to fail for extended periods of time.
Thanks ahead of time,
St. Thomas LeDoux
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