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Hi all,

I just inherited a house lighting gig with a lot of problems to fix (and I was an audio guy before this, so I've got a LOT of learning to do). Firstly, two of our 7 Elation Design Spot 250 Pros are giving me trouble with lamping off at random times. Sometimes they lamp off together, sometimes only one or the other.

The real problem, however, is that once they go off, they won't lamp back on for 15-30 minutes. So far, I've been able to get them back on after some waiting period, but it's still really frustrating in the middle of a show when one of my stage spots just disappears for a half-hour.

Is this a possible sign of a lamp going out, or should I look at other troubleshooting options before replacing the lamp? I do not know if this universe is properly terminated or not, but I can't imagine a termination issue keeping a fixture being able to lamp on at all. I can understand making it lamp on/off erratically, but not just causing it to fail for extended periods of time.

Thanks ahead of time,

St. Thomas LeDoux
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Hey welcome to the forums. One thing about the msd discharge lamps on most moving heads is once they are on and warm up they usually stay on for hours and hours in end. Most msd lamps last anywhere between 1,000-2,000 hours. However once the lamps are turned off they have a wait time of about 10-15 mins before they can be turned back on. This is the nature of these lamp types. They cannot hot re-strike. So that explains your wait time until they come back on. No way around that.
One other thing you can do to trouble shoot is grab a user manual for the fixtures and look at the dmx traits and find the channel number and dmx value for lamp off and check your programming in all your scenes and make sure for those fixtures those values are not included in the scene data. If it is, simply change the channel value to a value that will have no undesired effect on the fixture. Most cases there is a "normal" value set for the channel in which the lamp on and off values are in. Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any questions.

Sorry for not getting back to anyone sooner, this week's been kinda' hectic, but thank you for your advice.

I'll try to do some digging into my programming next week once our schedule calms down. Though, James, are you suggesting that my lamp off problem may be something programmed into a playback? As far as I know, no one playback triggers the two to lamp off, it seems entirely random. But then again, our old avo board can be buggy, so maybe it's periodically doing something every now and then that I'm not aware of.

As far as disabling the lamp procedure via dmx, that may be hard, as our movers are hung from the ceiling of the venue, and so to lamp them on and off every day would require me doing a lot of climbing. Leaving the things on isn't an option either, my boss already gets on me about that. Still, I can maybe try it again sometime next week and just leave the things on locate and see if they do anything funny without input.

Thanks again guys, I'll let you know what turns up.

St. Thomas LeDoux

Haven't gotten a chance to do any experimenting, but did have a third mover start doing the same thing. At this point, they never really go off at the same time, but rather individually, and then lamp back on once the bulbs are cool.

Also, had an LD come in today and he wiped my board and started programming from scratch, and the problem still occurred.

I won't rule out a DMX signal causing the problem, but I'm more inclined to think the problem may be in the fixtures themselves, or the power running to the fixtures. Any idea what to look for if/when I crack these babies open?

Thanks again y'all,

St. Thomas

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