I got no light at all. I had to go to either the Custom or Misc button, don't remember which and use a different fader to control the intensity, couldn't get the zoom to work at all. I have the original 6 channel only version. My manual shows 1-Red, 2-Green, 3-Blue, 4-Master, 5-Nothing\Strobe and 6-Zoom. This is what I created and it works fine.
<mode label="6ch">
<part attribute="Dimmer">
<range function="Control MSB" offset="3">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Colour RGB">
<range function="Red MSB" offset="0">0,255</range>
<range function="Green MSB" offset="1">0,255</range>
<range function="Blue MSB" offset="2">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Zoom">
<range function="Control MSB" offset="5">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Custom" label="Strobing">
<range function="Control MSB" offset="4">0,255</range>
This is what your profile showed for 6 channel
<mode label="6ch">
<part attribute="Dimmer">
<range function="Control MSB" offset="5">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Colour RGB">
<range function="Red MSB" offset="0">0,255</range>
<range function="Green MSB" offset="1">0,255</range>
<range function="Blue MSB" offset="2">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Zoom">
<range function="Control MSB" offset="4">0,255</range>
<part attribute="Macro">
<range function="On" offset="3">0,255</range>