Now we use since longer ones
the Elation to emulation
software and are with it
contently up to a few little
I wanted to ask sometimes
whether one can book the
buttons on the Midicon himself.
So the air feel below of right,
if I used with pleasure as a
Flash keys for Strobe, blind
person, fog and still pair of
The Go-Play badges würd I also
with pleasure everybody as a
Flash feel use for different
I would like to take Three
tricks of regulators with
pleasure one as a Strobe speed.
Is this possible?
If this is not the case whether
one can connect one more second
Midi device (keyboard) and can
book himself.
This would help very much.
And comes still this that
CueCable during the company
simply sometimes it is
deactivated and in the software
"This CueCable is not From
Elation" of these mistakes
stands can be repaired only if
I the CueCable once rauszieh
and again reinstecke. What does
this lie with? Updates are
already newest on it.
And with the number of the
devices of 48 we are already
very much in the limit. If an
update comes soon out where it
is possibly more than 48
devices there add.
Give at an German Support?
Thank you very much.
Original Post