Okay, so got out an Opti Tri Par and a Opti 30 to try and white balance the camera a little. The Opti 30 has the stock lamp and is just plugged into the wall. The Opti Tri, I just used a simple 8x8 channel NSI console with the fixture in 3 channel mode. So the colors aren't spot on, but it gets the idea across and shows that this can be done without expensive consoles like the Hog.
This shot is the Opti Tri doing roughly a bastard amber (R02 to be exact). It is remarkably close, and what you don't see is the ETC Parnel sitting next to the Opti Tri that I used for reference. I then had to tweak a little more to get the color I wanted for the camera vs what my eyes see. Translation, I matched the color, then tweaked the color so the camera shot shows more of what my eyes see.
This is R16 aka Light Amber. Again, pretty close. This was the hardest color to make, had to drop the red slightly and add in a little blue. Would have been easier with the Hog, but again, wanted to prove that high budget was not needed.
Last is R23 aka Orange. This was the easiest color to make, just red on full with a dash of green.
So as you can see, LEDs can do pale shades of amber. Now, if you had asked me to do say an R34 aka Flesh Pink or an R63 aka Pale Blue, I would have come close, but it wouldn't be the color I was looking for. The colors in the shots above would have been much easier to make with an amber LED since it was shades of amber. They also would have been easier with a white LED, because I could have picked a hue and just adjusted the saturation with the white LED.