Hi all, I have a bunch of questions about a light system I was just elected to set up and control for a band my spouse is in. PLEASE HELP.
They have the following.
8 LED MBT lights (2 poles w/ 4 each)
2 Flash Shot DMX by American Lighting
1 Galaxian Lazer
SO my questions is this. They are currently using a foot switch to control the lights. Problem is they can only get them to be full on sync to the music or off.
They have a Stage setter 8 dimmer console but cant get it to work.
MY questions:
1) do we need dimmer packs?
2) how do I get the lights to be controlled individually by the console? I know I have to number them. (that's the problem I don't know how.)
3) Does anyone have a step by step guide that is user friendly. The info they have is very limited. NO manual came with the items.
Thanks for any and all help.
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