I am using an ETC Element console sending sACN through a switch to an Elation Enode 4, which in turn is outputting DMX to a wireless transmitter for the LED's in our rig. I've gone through all of the network set up, but after plugging everything in and powering it on, the LED's started pulsing at 1s intervals. I do have control the LED's, but the pulsing doesn't stop.
I've tried several different variations of wiring including taking the switch out of the equation entirely and running Ethernet directly from the board to the node, as well as disconnecting the board from DMX port and running DMX directly from the node to our dimmers, while connecting to the board through the network both with and without the switch. Each time I get the same results, except when the the node is connected directly to the dimmers it causes all of the patched lights including the LED's to pulse.
Has anybody had this problem before? Is there a setting that I'm missing or misunderstanding? We have two of the nodes and get the same results with both of them.