I've been trying out Elation's Compu Live software for the past few weeks so that I can decide if it will work for my needs before I buy it. I've read the manual, but there are still a few simple things I'm having trouble doing. Can anyone please help?
1. Control chase rate live for a Cycle via a hotkey on my keyboard.
1.1 Currently, I have only been able to set the time b/n steps in a Cycle while I’m in the Edit mode of the Cycle. This is very cumbersome. I would like to just be able to program the Cycle up front to respond to a manual “tap tempo” controlled by a key on the keyboard. I run lights for live bands and I usually don't know the tempo of all the songs up front, nor do I want to create that many variations of the same cycle.
2. Strobe for the LED PAR 64 does not work in 3D viewer.
2.1 One of my LED PAR cans is the American DJ 64B LED Pro. The closest fixture I have found in the fixture library is the “LED PAR 64”. The channels are set up the same, so I think I have the closest fixture until Elation builds the LED Pro fixture. Anyway, everything works fine except when I turn on the strobe and vary the speed, the output meter shows it working, but the 3D visualizer just shows a white beam on...no strobe. I guess it's not super important as long as I know the output is working. Maybe this problem will be fixed when they create the LED Pro fixture. Any ETA's on that?
3. How do I copy the settings of 2 Moving Heads to the other 2 MH’s, but make the Pan positions inverse?
3.1 This applies when I am editing or creating a scene/switch. To save time and to maintain accuracy, I would like to be able to position the stage left MH’s and have the stage right MH’s mirror the Pan position.
4. Is there a way to just turn off the view of certain buttons w/in a page?
4.1 For example, once I have all of my MH scenes created and located in the MH page, I would like to turn off all of the channel buttons (i.e. color, position, gobo, etc.) to make more room for scene buttons.
5. Is it possible to have the MH positions adjust automatically to different stage sizes?
5.1 After I have a show created for a particular stage size, I would like to be able to "scale down" the stage size, but have the MH positions adjust automatically. I know I can go in and manually adjust EVERY MH scene I've created, but that's very time consuming.
Thanks for reading!
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